Host React Apps for Free on Vercel!

Host React Apps for Free on Vercel!

Hello Geeks, I'm Martin Paily. I am into React for the last 2 months. I had seen the bang on hackathon powered by vercel hackathon. So, I would like to help devs to get into using vercel for their projects as I think vercel is really powerful, free and easy to use. I would try my best to introduce vercel to them as I am sure they're gonna love it!.

So, Today I'm gonna help you how to host your react app on vercel

If you haven't read my article in which I introduce my new project, the Box shadow generator , I made for the vercel hackathon party, Go read it now. Share your feedback. ✌️

I have hosted this app on vercel

Host React App on Vercel

Hosting react app on vercel is super easy. Just follow the given instruction and you could do it in a matter of seconds.

For now, I created a demo app for installation purposes. I just changed the text into Hello Vercel. I pushed the code to Github. You could see it here - martinthampi/test-react-vercel.

Make sure your project have no warnings or errors

So, let's get started!

  1. Open Login in with your Github Account. scrnli_06_02_2021_14-47-00.png

  2. You will be redirected to your dashboard. From there, click New Project Button. scrnli_06_02_2021_14-48-07.png

  3. Choose your repository, For me, it is test-react-vercel. Click on the Import button near to it. scrnli_06_02_2021_14-50-27.png

  4. Choose whether it is your personal project or a team. For me, I'm selecting personal account. scrnli_06_02_2021_14-52-09.png

  5. Choose your project name and other stuffs. After choosing, click on Deploy button. scrnli_06_02_2021_14-55-24.png

  6. That's it. Now you could see some logs appearing on your screen. It generally finishes in 1-2 mins. So fast, so productive. scrnli_06_02_2021_14-57-31.png

  7. Hurray, Our app is deployed. It just took 1-2 mins to deploy our app. Thank vercel for this awesome way to host our app. scrnli_06_02_2021_14-59-23.png

Congrats you reached the end. Here is the app, I have hosted on vercel for demo purpose:

Wrapping Up

Yeah, you reached the end. I hope you now got a good understanding of hosting an app with Vercel. Vercel is so fast and productive, a must have resource for frontend web developers. I hope you found the article helpful. Go add some reactions and give your valuable feedbacks. I love to hear those. Thanks, Good day!